Duty and VAT invoice
Frequently asked questions

If this is the first time you’ve received a Duty & VAT invoice from us then you may have some questions that you’d like answering before you pay it. This could be an unexpected bill and you may be unsure what it is or how it is calculated.

We hope that the information below will make everything clear, but if you have any questions that we haven’t covered, please visit www.dhl.co.uk/duties

Please note that, following Brexit, some of the information provided below may be subject to change. Please visit www.gov.uk/government/collections/brexit-guidance for further information.

Need more help?

For general information and invoice enquiries:

www.dhl.co.uk/express (general information)
Chat with us Online

ukinvoicequeries@dhl.com (invoice enquiries)

0344 209 0102

If you wish to dispute your invoice, all queries must be logged within 30 days of the date of invoice.

For consumer information and general Customs advice on importing goods into the UK, please contact:


0300 200 3700

Please refer to www.dhl.co.uk/customs_services for an explanation of additional customs charges.

From 1st February 2022, DHL Express UK will process any import VAT payable by UK registered companies through Postponed VAT Accounting. To find out more, please visit www.dhlguide.co.uk/postponed-vat-accounting